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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


After I am out of school I will probably not continue to blog. I don't have Internet at home so I wouldn't be able to get on Internet. I also don't spend a whole lot of my time on the computer so I really don't have an interest to keep blogging. Its been fun to do in class. We had a lot of neat topics to talk about.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Student handbook

One rule in the Handbook that I would change is the day that students who have missed 3 days or less get the day before exams off. This isn't right we should have a different day off then the day before exams. Students that haven't missed very many days don't want to miss the day of review with the teachers believe me I am one of them. I think we should get the Monday the week before exams off then we would be able to actually enjoy the day that we are rewarded and not feel penalized cause we didn't get to review with the teachers. This seems more logical to me.

If I could add a rule to the Handbook I would add the rule that teachers that assign homework to students must be able to do the homework themselves. So if they require an assignment to be done in a certain program and they don't know how to use the program themselves they can't assign the assignment to their students. The teachers wouldn't like this but at least they would see what the students go through. They penalty would be the students wouldn't have to do the assignment. This would help to show the student how to do the assignment and show the teachers just how difficult some assignments are.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The seniors last week

Well its kind of really sad cause I am going to miss a whole lot of them when they graduate. Its also kind of scary that its there last week because that means we are only a few weeks away from becoming seniors. The juniors will be the oldest after they graduate and our hallway will seem empty. I am actually kind of excited that its there last week, which means there are only 25 days from today until we get out of school. I guess for those of us that are juniors be ready to rule the school after the upcoming week.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Prom 2012

I wouldn't say they are over rated I mean the point is to look nice and go and have fun with your friends and dance. Yes, maybe they are over rated if you spend a ton of money on it but if not its actually really nice. I really enjoyed prom I had a ton of fun dancing with Chad and seeing everyone in their dresses. I don't really have a favorite part, it was all fun for me. After prom was fun too. I was a little disappointed cause there wasn't a whole lot there but I still had fun. I hurt my finger playing basketball so that wasn't very fun. I got a $10 gift card to cold stones, that was cool. Laser tag was cool it was in an inflatable and you could dive behind things and hide behind them. I had a great prom experience.

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Day

Well today I have a softball game at Whiteford. That should be a lot of fun hopefully we win. So far I have had Precalc, Shop, Ac, English, and ET so far. Don't have a lot of homework yet so we will see how the rest of my classes go. I still have some stuff to do on my multi genre project for English, but I should be ok. For the most part I am having a good day I guess.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I do have a facebook account. I don't use it verry often. I mainly only use it to contact someone or just to see how they are doing. I don't think I have been on mine in about two months. Most people have a facebook so that they can post stuff about their life and so that they know people care  about them. I believe you should be at least 15 before you have a facebook. The younger kids don't really need to be on facebook and they could get into trouble using facebook. People may have one or two hundred friends, but as for hundreds of friends I don't think they are really considered friends.

1. Can talk to long lost friends
2. See how relatives are doing
3. Get a hold of people to set up events
1. There is a lot of drama on Facebook.
2. Cyber stalkers
3. If you post to much, everyone and anyone can know about your life.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

shape collage--NHS

Pictures from NHS, Concordia, and Exploring Tech put into a collage.

Monday, April 16, 2012

SC on basketball court

SC on basketball court by herriman13
SC on basketball court, a photo by herriman13 on Flickr.

I didnt have to edit this picture and it turned out sweet!

There is nothing better than...

There is nothing better than spending a day hanging out with those you love and always want to be with. These days make you smile, laugh, and sometimes cry. They are days that you have no stress and are the days you never want to end.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Well on Monday I headed up to Concordia to watch Catherine play softball. I stayed the night and had a lot of fun with her and her roommates. I watched her play softball on Tuesday and headed home afterwards. I can't remember what I did Wednesday but it was a fairly busy day. Thursday, I went and practiced throwing with Caitlin. Friday, I went shopping for 12 hours in Toledo, but I found my prom dress so that made me happy. It was nice to spend the whole day with my sisters and mom, we had a lot of fun and went to Olive Garden to eat. Saturday, I got up early and did some odd jobs until two then  went to Chad's house and helped them get ready for their wild game dinner. On Sunday, I got up and went for a Easter egg hunt, then later that day I went Fishing with my family and Chad. Spring Break was a lot of fun, but it went way too fast!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The napping holiday

This holiday will take place on the Monday after the time change. We need to celebrate this holiday so that everyone is rested up and used to the time change. On this day everyone in the world will get a free pillow by mail and will be able to sleep/nap the whole day if they want to. This holiday would have the symbol zzz on the calendar to know that you can sleep in that day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Famous Person

I would want to meet Bill Gates. I would want to meet him so that I could say I did and also to learn more about him. I think I want to go into computer science as a career so it would be nice to meet the guy who made computer science possible. He would also be able to answer that questions I have so that I could figure out if computer science is right for me.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Reading Month

My favorite childhood books were Dr.Seuss books. I enjoyed how he rhymed his words and they always had funny or goofy pictures. Growing up I never had anyone read to me so I actually wasn't able to fully read until 1st grade. This prevented me from truly reading so I started off with the easier books. I believe that most teenagers don't like to read because either they aren't interested in the subject or they don't have time to read. I am one of those teenagers and I can't stand to read because I am so busy that I really don't have  time to sit down and read. I am also a slow reader so that makes me discouraged when I am reading. I'm really not sure what it would take to get teenagers interested in reading again.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pet Peeve

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people either eat with there mouth open or them smack there lips as they eat. It drives me insane. I either have to leave the room or I will get a major head ache from it. When people start to smack there lips I either ask nicely for them to stop or I get really grumpy and mad.

Monday, February 27, 2012


I look for people who seem caring and respectful. Those who are nice to other people and won't turn around and stab you in the back. I look for people I can get along with and can hang out with. I believe people can have as many friends as they like. Friendship is limitless. I would say a best friend friend is someone that is there for you no matter what. Someone that stays by your side through thick and thin. People can have so called "friends" on face book by the hundreds. These are friends by they are people who are nice to you and those you want to keep in touch with and find out what they are doing every so often.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Open shutter

Taking pictures with an open shutter was an awesome experience. I had a lot of great pictures, but I think this was my best one. We created this picture by Mickenzee, Tara, and Elizabeth took Christmas lights and ran them over there shoulders and wiggled them just a little bit. I can't believe by slowing your shutter speed down you can create some very unique pictures. If you haven't done this before and love photography I suggest trying it.

Homecoming Week

Homecoming week was pretty good other than it really didn't feel like homecoming.I thought the mini floats were pretty good. I'm still not sure about the places though. The seniors float was cute and the freshmen's float was creative. The pep assembly was good, kinda seemed short, but its all good. I would say the right person got king, I think he really deserved it. He was about the only one not asking people to vote for him. I did dress up for some of the days not all of them though. Monday I forgot it was even homecoming week and I forgot my hat on wednesday. It didn't really matter though becasue my second hour rep didn't count anyways.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

The card and candy industry has kinda blown this holiday out of proportion. This holiday is pretty much a Hallmark holiday. I wouldn't say this holiday is very important because why show your love on one day when you can so it everyday of the year. I'm really not sure if it is a holiday. If you don't have someone special for Valentine's day I would save your money if it was me. You could give it to your mom and dad if you would like. They could be your Valentine. I really wasn't a fan of Valentine's Day in elementary, but if I had to pick something special about it I would pick getting candy from people.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My weekend

Well Saturday I went shopping with my mom in the morning. At two I went to Chad's house and hung out over there. Sunday I did chores around the house and shot some hoops out side for a little while. After my dad got out of work we went to my grandparents and split wood. We had dinner with them and watched the Supper bowl.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I am an average photographer. I don't know a lot about photography, so I'm not very experienced. I am expecting to learn a lot about photography and how to make pictures look better. I have the basic skills of photo taking, so hopefully I can learn more complex skills.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I think I did pretty well on exams. I haven't seen all my exams, but I have a pretty good feeling I did well. I do and don't think we should have mandatory exams. I do believe we should have them because they will prepare us for exams in college. The one thing I don't like about them though is that we have to take three exams in one day. In college very few students have to take three exams in one day. Its a lot of stress to put on a high school student. The exams were very comprehensive, some were difficult because it was hard to remember what we did in the first month of school.This made me study a lot. I probably studied at least four to six hours a day for them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Weekend

Well this weekend I helped my dad and sister rip up the store floor. We found newspapers buried under the wood from 1931. They were actually pretty interesting to look at. I went to see War Horse on Saturday with Chad. We ate at Bob Evans afterward where I saw Mrs. Chambers. On Sunday, I hauled sand into the store by five gallon buckets.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break

I had an awesome break. Except for Christmas day where we split wood the whole day. I had Christmas at my Grandma's on the 23rd. I was invited to the Simpkin's Christmas which was on the 24. Over break I relaxed and spent time with my family and friends. Most nights I was lucky to go to bed by midnight, but I slept in so that was nice. We had an all night shoot the first day of break. The team had a great time, we laughed and joked a lot, but we still got done what we needed to. Overall Christmas break was full of laughter, love, activities, relaxing, and family time.