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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


After I am out of school I will probably not continue to blog. I don't have Internet at home so I wouldn't be able to get on Internet. I also don't spend a whole lot of my time on the computer so I really don't have an interest to keep blogging. Its been fun to do in class. We had a lot of neat topics to talk about.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Student handbook

One rule in the Handbook that I would change is the day that students who have missed 3 days or less get the day before exams off. This isn't right we should have a different day off then the day before exams. Students that haven't missed very many days don't want to miss the day of review with the teachers believe me I am one of them. I think we should get the Monday the week before exams off then we would be able to actually enjoy the day that we are rewarded and not feel penalized cause we didn't get to review with the teachers. This seems more logical to me.

If I could add a rule to the Handbook I would add the rule that teachers that assign homework to students must be able to do the homework themselves. So if they require an assignment to be done in a certain program and they don't know how to use the program themselves they can't assign the assignment to their students. The teachers wouldn't like this but at least they would see what the students go through. They penalty would be the students wouldn't have to do the assignment. This would help to show the student how to do the assignment and show the teachers just how difficult some assignments are.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The seniors last week

Well its kind of really sad cause I am going to miss a whole lot of them when they graduate. Its also kind of scary that its there last week because that means we are only a few weeks away from becoming seniors. The juniors will be the oldest after they graduate and our hallway will seem empty. I am actually kind of excited that its there last week, which means there are only 25 days from today until we get out of school. I guess for those of us that are juniors be ready to rule the school after the upcoming week.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Prom 2012

I wouldn't say they are over rated I mean the point is to look nice and go and have fun with your friends and dance. Yes, maybe they are over rated if you spend a ton of money on it but if not its actually really nice. I really enjoyed prom I had a ton of fun dancing with Chad and seeing everyone in their dresses. I don't really have a favorite part, it was all fun for me. After prom was fun too. I was a little disappointed cause there wasn't a whole lot there but I still had fun. I hurt my finger playing basketball so that wasn't very fun. I got a $10 gift card to cold stones, that was cool. Laser tag was cool it was in an inflatable and you could dive behind things and hide behind them. I had a great prom experience.