Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Holiday
During Christmas break I am going to my grandma's house for Christmas. We will have Christmas on December 23 at grandma's and celebrate Christmas on Christmas for my intermediate family. We might go to the lights in heratage and I still have to figure out when Chad and I are going to exchange our gifts. Break should be a busy and eventful. As for my favorite Christmas cookie I'm not sure. I have many =). If i had to pick one I would say holiday sugar cookies.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Professional Athelete
If I could be a professional athelete I would be Cheryl Ford from the Detroit Shock. She is a girl who can dunk and is awesome at basketball. She was drafted in 2003 and has been playing since. I have met her in real life and she seemed pretty cool.
Monday, December 5, 2011
U.S National landmark
I would like to go to Alaska and visit Admiralty Island. It's supposed to be a really beautiful place. I would love to go and see it in person because all of the pictures I have every seen are really pretty. The island is a national landmark because it is part of Tongass National Forest and is part of the Kootznoowoo Wilderness.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Black Friday
Well it was Thanksgiving weekend. I turned 17 on Black Friday. Walmart was chaos, a fight broke out in electronics, my sister got rammed with a cart, and people were really grumpy. We got everything we wanted though. After nine hours of shopping I was ready to go home. When I got home I went hunting and didn't see anything. I came back home took a three hour nap then went to the movies to see Happy Feet Two with Elizabeth, Catherine, Karla, my Mom, and Chad. It's a really good movie. That was my Black Friday.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving Day
Well on Thanksgiving day I will probably wake up early and go hunting. Hopefully I see something. After that I will go home and help my mom cook. Normally we make three different pies, yams, turkey, bake beans, and cranberry jello. Everybody will be home for Thanksgiving so it should be a good time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
Today is November 14, 2011 and did you know that it is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month. That is really sweet... So if you are a Peanut Butter Lover, celebrate this month by eating peanut butter everyday.

Monday, November 7, 2011
My Day
Well it's been ok for the most part. I'm looking forward to basketball tryouts today. First hour we have to do 90 problems for two days, Second hour we watched a video on building cars, I had to work out in third hour AC, fourth hour we did a work sheet and now we r blogging in fifth hour. We have tryouts today after school from 3:00 to 5:30. That pretty much will sum up my day so far.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Best Halloween costume ever
My best halloween costume ever would probably be when is was six. Elizabeth was a pink genie and I was a purple one. It had a pointed genie hat with a gold scarf. There was a gold belt that went around my waste and i thought I had the best costume ever.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Imagination Station
Wow I had an amazing time. I think I did almost everything you could do there, that wasn't taken by other kids. I rode the bike and did the boyo. The boyo is a awesome ride. If you ever get the chance to go make sure you check it out. Elizabeth, Kayla, and I built a tower and put it through an earthquake and it stayed standing. Everyone that went had to go to the human body station. It was really interesting, but kind of creepy at the same time. I suggest if you have never been to Imagination Station you should go, you will have an awesome time.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Best Present Ever
My best present ever would be love. Love is the best present because it doesn't cost the other person anything. It doesn't take much effort to give and it will never get old. Also you can give this present everyday of your life without it being a special occasion.
Monday, October 10, 2011
My Weekend
Well, on Saturday I went to work in the morning, then to The Appleumkin Festivel, then I went swimming. On Sunday I went to Detroit where I played in two aau basketball game. We won the first and lost the second
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sand Creek Homecoming Day
Well the juniors rocked the day by beating the seniors in powderpuff football...Also the juniors float-Plants vs Zombies won and our tug of war team beat everyone even the teachers....It was an awesome day if you were a junior! :)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Day
Well I am almost done with school but, I have to pitch after school then go to powder puff practice at six.
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