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Monday, January 30, 2012


I am an average photographer. I don't know a lot about photography, so I'm not very experienced. I am expecting to learn a lot about photography and how to make pictures look better. I have the basic skills of photo taking, so hopefully I can learn more complex skills.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I think I did pretty well on exams. I haven't seen all my exams, but I have a pretty good feeling I did well. I do and don't think we should have mandatory exams. I do believe we should have them because they will prepare us for exams in college. The one thing I don't like about them though is that we have to take three exams in one day. In college very few students have to take three exams in one day. Its a lot of stress to put on a high school student. The exams were very comprehensive, some were difficult because it was hard to remember what we did in the first month of school.This made me study a lot. I probably studied at least four to six hours a day for them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Weekend

Well this weekend I helped my dad and sister rip up the store floor. We found newspapers buried under the wood from 1931. They were actually pretty interesting to look at. I went to see War Horse on Saturday with Chad. We ate at Bob Evans afterward where I saw Mrs. Chambers. On Sunday, I hauled sand into the store by five gallon buckets.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break

I had an awesome break. Except for Christmas day where we split wood the whole day. I had Christmas at my Grandma's on the 23rd. I was invited to the Simpkin's Christmas which was on the 24. Over break I relaxed and spent time with my family and friends. Most nights I was lucky to go to bed by midnight, but I slept in so that was nice. We had an all night shoot the first day of break. The team had a great time, we laughed and joked a lot, but we still got done what we needed to. Overall Christmas break was full of laughter, love, activities, relaxing, and family time.